Then you are in the right place at the right time. Raising a family in 2020 is demanding. Add a special needs child or two to the mix and you feel guilty about wanting to jump ship most days. You genuinely love your family but struggle dealing with so many stressors.
Well, I am here to tell you that you are most definitely human and on the right track. It is a tall task to balance life because every facet of your life is impacted by the changes that occurred when you brought your special kiddo home. Moreover, each of you are grieving that your precious child has disabilities. It's not their fault, nor yours. Life shifted and is moving faster than you have been able adjust to. At this point just BREATHE. Everything is going to be okay. I promise you, because I was once you.
Instead of having fear, it's about embracing a new way of life that requires alot of "new normals" with a very different pace. Yes, you will need to manage your self care, marriage, family life, finances, and extended family too. Each of these areas have been hard hit by this tragedy. Instead of extended family being supportive, they may be dragging you further down. But keep in mind that they are grieving too. You will learn as the days unfold which of them will end up being helpful and which ones you will need to distance from while your family forges forward.
Once you release yourself from the chains of guilt and blame, you will be empowered to take on this challenge in a big way. But not alone. It does take a team to cover all the bases. Your child will have ongoing medical and therapy appointments and you will be given specific instructions on how to work with your child at home. Often times home modifications are needed as well for your child. But realize these requirements will come in ages and stages. Nothing will effect you as abruptly as the diagnosis news did.
You will become seasoned and will soon experience the most profound joy that only a special needs child can bring. Once they hit a milestone, it is incredible and your family will bond in ways you never imagined.
Advocare-Advocates was created after my son, Andrew passed away from a terminal metabolic disorder. My heart was forever changed by becoming Andrew's mom. It is my passion to assist others on the journey.
We are here to help you navigate, vent, be encouraged and strategize for the most efficient process to meet your families needs. We want to help you become the best advocate of your child's intervention team, and the best mom to your family.